With These 3 Tips, You Can Finally Get Rid of Those Nagging Aches and Pains
It’s strangely satisfying to wake up the morning after a hard workout with a dull ache in your muscles.
However, when that dull ache migrates to your joints on a daily basis, that satisfaction quickly turns to frustration.
The solution is not to take anti-inflammatory medication or simply ignore your joint aches and pains, but rather to consult with a physical therapist.
If these three reasons for considering Physical therapy for joint pain aren’t enough to persuade you, please contact Ohana Physical Therapy to learn more about our pain-relieving modalities.
Read full blog5 Ways You Can Start Living a More Active Life
Getting active can be daunting. With thousands of exercise programs available, it can be difficult to determine which one is best for you.
According to PT in Motion News, 80 percent of Americans are not meeting the US Department of Health and Human Services’ physical activity guidelines. Many people struggle to find the time or motivation to exercise.
It’s not always easy to stay active, especially if you already have limited mobility.
Read full blogA Physical therapist Can Help You Get Rid of Hip and Knee Pain
Is nagging hip and knee pain preventing you from performing daily tasks? If you’ve been suffering from chronic aches and pains in these areas, regular physical therapy treatment may be beneficial.
A skilled physical therapist can assist you in improving your daily quality of life by focusing on your problem areas to reduce pain and increase mobility over time.
If you or a loved one has pain and discomfort when getting out of a chair, walking down to the corner store, or going up and down the stairs, physical therapy may be able to help.
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