Achy Mornings Getting You Down? It May Be Time to Replace Your Mattress
You Deserve to Sleep Through the Night Again!
Have you been having trouble sleeping through the night? Or perhaps you wake up feeling achy, painful, or overall uncomfortable?
Imagine waking up, fully rested after 8 hours of sleep. As you gently awake, you move to sit up… only to be hit with an ache in your back.
The aches in your shoulders and neck quickly follow as you move, but as you go to stand up, they are eclipsed by the dull ache in your hips and legs.
Read full blogLiving with Pain? PT Can Help in These 3 Ways – All Without Opioids!
Say NO to Opioids and YES to These Benefits of Physical Therapy!
Does the prospect of taking painkilling drugs for the rest of your life fill you with concern? If it doesn’t, then it should – especially if the drugs in question are opioids.
Many chronic pain sufferers who can’t get the relief they need from NSAIDs or steroids feel that they have no choice but to turn to the more powerful opioid drugs.
Read full blogManage Your Pain Without Drugs! Consult with a Physical Therapist
Discover Natural Treatment Methods for Your Pain
If you’ve been living with pain, drugs don’t have to be the answer.
Long-term opioid consumption is not a good strategy for managing chronic pain. In addition to the risk of addiction, opioids simply alleviate the symptoms (pain) of a larger problem.
For very real, measurable improvement over chronic pain, physical therapy has been proven to be a much better option than opioids or other pharmaceutical painkillers.
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